Living beauty, living wisdom. Loving truth, loving life:
Practical inquiry for wild-hearted people.

So close you can’t see it.
So profound you can’t fathom it.
So simple you can’t believe it.
So good you can’t accept it.
~ (words from the Tibetan Shangpa Kagyu tradition)

  • Inquiry-based Coaching.

  • Contemplative Dialogue.

  • Meditation.

All our desires can be reduced to one desire only: Happiness. We know it exists. We really know. It’s why we long for it so much.

But we have been taught to search for fulfillment in the world. Objects, career paths, money, status, food, drugs, or sex: we keep chasing external satisfactions. We avoid or fight off al that displeases. So that per chance, one day, we’ll finally…be at happy. That one day never seems to arrive.

Perhaps we have been looking in the wrong direction? We can at least inquire. We can ask, What is it that is searching? We can turn inward instead of outward. We can experience the true nature of happiness. And take it from there. Still. In a space beyond words. Open to new possibilities.

The consequences of honest inquiry are immense. Peace in ourselves, harmony around us, genuine collaboration with others, clear compassionate presence, a deep love for this world, this universe. A way of being that is simple, clear, loving, direct, spontaneous, response-able, enjoyable. What might it be like to welcome all that life offers, fearless, in complete freedom?

My invitation is to just explore. Let’s dialogue and see what emerges. In our conversations we travel home. A new way of perceiving opens. If you ask or have ever asked, “What the heck am I doing? What is my life about? Can I ever be happy, satisfied?” you are already in inquiry. In dialogue we’ll fall into truth and a heart-felt deepening.

You are the love in everything you love.
You are the beauty in everything you behold.
You are the intelligence in everything you understand.
You are the sweetness in all things. ~(Francis Lucille)

My name is Sophia Schweitzer.

My approach is guided by the teachings of Ramana Maharshi, Atmananda Krishna Menon, Jean Klein, and foremost, alive and current and with infinite gratitude, Francis Lucille. The Christian mystics and Sufi Seekers of Truth live in my heart. Nisargadatta Maharaj was one of my earliest influences, direct, raw.

I do not teach myself. I can only speak from what is true for me experientially, point to what I see, and see with you in our shared love for truth. Because it’s beautiful to have someone by one’s side.

By profession I am accredited with the International Coach Federation as a Professional Certified Coach, and I hold a degree in French literature & linguistics. In the mix is science-writing, NLP, philosophy, serving at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur and the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland. The inquiry I offer is pragmatic, experiential, grounded in science and philosophy. Measurements for success? Happiness.